Grasping forceps for breast cancer tumors “Pearl Ring”
Firm grasping force without slippage

Ratchet design enables firm tumor securement
The center of the cancer can be grasped accurately, and the ratchet eliminates the need for grip strength. Even if the skin incision is not directly above the tumor, the mammary gland can be extracted through the surgical wound. Operation time is reduced as fewer lesion location checks are required.

Optimal material and size for the ring section
The rings are coated with materials that are electrically insulating, heat resistant, impact resistant and antithrombotic. Lesions can be confirmed by palpation or ultrasound, which contributes to a reduction in the positive margin rate. It is easy to separate the mammary gland perpendicular to the chest wall. Partial excision can be performed as planned, and worse cosmesis due to overexcision can be avoided.

Certification by a government agency
The Pearl Ring obtained Medical Device Manufacturing and Marketing Notification Number: 07B2X10009. This number is assigned to general medical devices classified as having extremely low biological risk.